Welcome to the PaddleSurf.ca Stand Up Paddleboard directory.
It’s our goal to provide you with the most complete and up to date listing of business involved with Stand Up Paddleboarding here in Canada.
Get started by selecting a category below:
- Retailers: Canadian shops that are either fully dedicated SUP shops, or include at least a few SUP’s in their product mix.
- Rentals: Companies that rent Stand Up Paddleboards in Canada. Usually offer lessons as well, but be sure to double check with them in advance if that’s what you’re looking for!
- Lessons and Instruction: Stand Up Paddleboard instructional courses or one time introductory lessons.
- Tours: Offering SUP tours around Canadian waterways.
- Wholesale Distributors: Deal directly with retailer.
- Manufacturers: Board builders and designers based in Canada.
- Media: Various related media outlets and organizations that cover Stand Up Paddleboarding in Canada.
- Travel: Offering tours, accommodations and other services abroad.
- Related Businesses: Companies that are indirectly involved with the sport of Stand Up Paddleboarding.